Rabu, 30 Mei 2012

Nersvaganza Nasional 2012

Selamat kepada para finalis Nersvaganza Nasinal 2012^^

Berikut adalah kebijakan dari sistem debat dalam Nersvaganza mendatang, selamat membaca::

System of english debate

English debate
  System that is used in English Debate Competition Ners Vaganza 2012 is Australian Parliamentary. In Australian Parliamentary Style, there are 2 teams - Government and Opposition. Each team has 3 members and each team gives 3 speeches. The format is a limited preparation format, meaning that the motion will be announced 15 minutes before the debate. For substantive speeches, each member will be given 7 minutes. The opposing team can stand up and ask for Points of Information (POI) may be asked between first minute mark and the six-minute mark of the members’ speeches (speeches are of seven minutes duration). POI also must less than 15 seconds. After that both of team will be given 1 minutes and 30 seconds for reply speech that clarifies the debate from the Opposition perspective without bringing forth new arguments. Reply speech will be begun by the Opposition team and closed by Government team.

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